Comparing Love And Marriages By Zora Neale Hurston

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Love and marriage are two of the most beautiful things with very similar complexities. Society gives men and women instructions on how love should work and successful marriages should live by. To know something from experience is very distinct from learning it as a beginner of course, but since the moment we begin to feel a type of way for someone, we are taught to love a certain way. throughout our we receive instructions and images on how an ideal marriage should look like. In reality we all have illusions of love and marriage, However, everyone thinks a different way. Depending on the class you are identified as in this society, your sex and your skin color, the ideal love or marriage may vary from the one in your mind. In the novel Their …show more content…

Women weren't allowed to vote or have a say in many things. “Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board. For some they come in with the tide. For others they sail forever on the horizon, never out of sight, never landing until the Watcher turns his eyes away in resignation, his dreams mocked to death by Time. That is the life of men.” (Hurston. Their eyes were watching God. Chapter 1. Page 1.) To the author of this book, men are more practical than women. Men go by what makes you a man to the eyes of others. If you showed power you were powerful, even if it meant treating the beautiful female God placed in your hands, like dirt. Back in those days, the situation was far worse to a black lady than a white, regarding the upper hand of men. Specially from a white man to a black woman. “De nigger woman is de mule of de world so fur as Ah can see.” (Hurston. Their Eyes Were Watching God. Chapter 2. …show more content…

Times have changed and thats so true, yet we still live by what others think is right. Nowadays we are not forced to marry the male or female with the most money, yet people think it is right. The key to a successful marriage is love. Without love we are weekend and controlled by thoughts of regret and despair. To marry someone for the sake of their social status and the pleasure is the most horrible thing imaginable. Society labeled men as the head of all things, women were there to serve and please, those tragic times died, but the ideology of marrying the wrong person for the best of someone else, still lives. "Whut Ah seen just now is plenty for me, honey, Ah don’t want no trashy nigger, no breath-and-britches, lak Johnny Taylor usin’ yo’ body to wipe his foots on.” (Hurston. Their Eyes Were Watching God. Chapter 2. page) Just because the man isn't wealthy, doesn't mean he isn't worth it. Just because the woman isn't young, doesn't mean she isn't capable of helping or being truly loved. "Stop mixin’ up mah doings wid mah looks.” (Hurston. Their Eyes Were Watching God. Chapter 7. Page) However, God will lead you to the perfect match at the end of the