
Comparing Men And Women In Macy's Store

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expensive then men’s, they like to take the time to know that what they’re buying will be worthwhile. “Men prefer to get answers to their questions online or by reading a user’s manual, compared to women who prefer to get their answers by asking the salesperson” which is noted in Kathleen Burns Kingsbury’s article. An example of marketing to women to satisfy their needs can be found in the popular store “Macy’s”, which is found all over North America. In New York’s Time Square, the Macy’s store has at least 10 sales people in every department to meet the customer’s needs. This of course can speed up the buying process, because if a female has assistants, and excessive amount of information from a sales person, she is more likely to buy the product. …show more content…

Advertisements on the internet have also become very prominent. Marketers are able to distinguish what the consumer’s interests are and provide advertisements that will catch their attention. The following chart examines why males and females prefer online shoppinMarketers also have to be very aware of how much and what kind of information they are including on the website that they choose to sell the product. When it comes down to what each gender looks for in the matter of information “men prefer simple, factual information with one or two features, and women prefer more original information with multiple features” says Gloria Moss. It is scientifically proven that men are drawn to products and advertisements that are made by other men, and the same goes for women. Marketers of each gender are very smart when it comes to thinking like their consumer. They want to put a product out there that they know will draw the attention of hundreds of males or females to go and get further information or just buy the product right

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