Evan Williams Advertising Essay

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Everywhere people are, there are advertisements. Advertisements can be seen on TV, in magazines and newspapers, heard on the radio, and even seen just on the side of the road that thousands of people drive on every day. Companies in just America spend “…about $17 billion each year on marketing” alone and it’s no wonder why some people believe that after seeing an advertisement that the product has now become a necessity in their life (Skricki 2). Over the years companies have come up with ways to appeal to audiences’ so that they could sell more of their products by using smart and innovative techniques in their ads. Companies will use certain appeals in their advertisements just so that they could get their target audience’s attention and entice them to the …show more content…

Although the need for drinks can be related to the need for people’s nutrients, in the case of the Evan Williams advertisement, it is shown in the way of exposing the bourbon bottle to the audience so that the audience wants the alcohol because of the way it is presented. The bottle of bourbon is presented right in the middle of the advertisement with a white glow that creates a bolder stand and can still be seen even though it is not as big as the other visuals in the advertisement. The advertisement gives the audience a reason to taste their drink when they say that it taste smooth. With alcoholic drinks such as the Evan Williams smoothness is very important to the overall quality. By saying that the alcohol is smooth it creates a physiological need for the drink, which works very similar to seeing an advertisement for any other type of food or beverage that makes the audience appeal to the product. While the physiological need for drinks is known as a one of the major appeals another seen in the Evan Williams advertisement is the need for