Rhetorical Analysis Of Gatorade

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Gatorade has been around since 1965; it is now one of the main leading companies that provides athletes with drinks that replenishes the water, carbohydrates, and electrolytes in an athlete. Many professional athletes drink Gatorade so it comes with no surprise that the Gatorade Company came out with three new drinks called the G-series. These three drinks are meant to be drank before, during , and after being involved in some type of physical activity. After all no athelete wants to give half of what they are capable of performing. There are many ads about the g-series drinks but this one stood out in particular. This ad appeals to logos, ethos, and pathos to attract athletes to drink the new g-series drinks so those who want the best out …show more content…

The use of three famous athletes makes this ad credible. On the right side of the first picture it shows Usain Bolt at the Olympics preparing for his big run by drinking the before drink from the G-series. On the left side of the same picture it demonstrates how the g-series before drink worked by showing Usain Bolt ready on the starting line. The right side of the second picture has Dwight howard drinking the g-series during drink while he is in the middle of a basketball game. From the left side of the picture Dwight howard is shown dunking and covering balls which is a result of the g-series during drink, he has more energy after drinking the g-series during drink. The third picure shows peyton manning drinking a g-series after drink, it displays peyton as being calm and collected whilst he is doing post-game interviews. These pictures allow the audience to see for themselves that if they were to buy the three g-series drink they wouldn’t be wasting their money. the pictures themselves illustrate that the g-series works and even athletes drink …show more content…

It gives the ad credibility and shows that the g-series is a legitimate product. When the ad has the explanation of the product under the picture of the drinks it gives the audience an opportunity to see what these dirnks do before acutlaly buying them. Also having the eplanation and then the picture of the pros as proof is a way to persuade the audicne to buy the g-series. In the explanation for the during g-series drink it explains that the drink, “original g and now g2 deliver electrolytes and carbohydartes to keep hydration and energy up throughout your performance,” then right next to that it shows Dwight howard playing at his best after drinking the g-series during drink. the fact that all three explanations for the drinks says that athleets would get energy from drinking the drinks persuades the audience that by drinking these products they would gain energy theey lost from doing their physical activyt. The deductive reasoning in this ad makes people assume that every athlete who drinks the new g-series drinks will be as good as the pro atheletes , which isn’t the case. Even professional athlestes have bad days and they play bad no matter if they have eergy from a g-series drink or not. Having the athletes on the ad makes it seem as if the product really works making the audience believe that the g-series is the new way of getting through a game. It has the