
Comparing Quotes From 'Harry Potter And The Philosopher's'

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Dawn of a New Century Chapter One – Elegie ... or how it all started I was lying in my bed, re-reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone for the... to tell the truth, I have lost count of how many times I have read and re-read this series. From the time I was fifteen until now when I was thirty-two, this series has been my all. No, I wasn't a fanatical fan like some of the others were that was obsessed with it to the point of being able to remember the Wikia and Pottermore information from the top of my head and able to argue about the lore like others did, but I did like to read the information on the series sometimes, I just didn't remember everything I ever read about it. I wasn't on top of things with Pottermore since the …show more content…

Couldn't. She kept telling me that it was supposed to be her and dad that died before me. No parent should ever watch their children being buried before them. I remembered this quote from the Lord of the Rings when Thèodred was being buried by King Thèoden. Or at least I think I quoted it correctly. But getting the quote correct wasn't important at the moment and I had to reign my mind back to the fact that I was dying right at this moment. I felt relief. My pain was finally over and I could rest. I could feel my chapped lips quirk into a small smile as I closed my eyes and took my last breath. *** You might be wondering why I started my story by mentioning I was reading Harry Potter. It's because after I died I was reborn into it. At first I was just floating in the warmth, not knowing what was going on. After a while I could start to hear voices, though I couldn't understand them because they sounded like when you were floating under the water and people tried talking to you. Some time later I could move again and I stretched a bit every now and then to check if I was still alive. And then I was born. You won't believe me when I tell you who I was reborn as, but I'll tell you anyway. There was no Harry James Potter. Instead there was an Adaline Lily

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