Comparing Secularist Views On Euthanasia And Assisted Suicide

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Euthanasia, or assisted suicide, is a practice where a professional doctor prescribes medicine to help his or her patient to end their life whenever the patient feels the need to do so. Over the years, numerous Secular and Christian intellectuals had debated the morality of the topic. Even though Secularists believed that the decision is solely depends on the person since s/he controls his or her own fate, their philosophy is still inferior to Christianity for the case that the Secularists make for euthanasia is erroneous in the philosophical term. Unlike Christians, Secularists believe that their body is their own, not a reflection of God’s image. In their philosophical perspective, there is no such thing as God since no one can see Him …show more content…

Since Secularists deny metaphysics, they also deny the idea of a predestined plan for them from a divine deity. Instead, Secularists believe that human can control their fate through their actions and decision. Due to this ideology, Secularists approve the practice of euthanasia, for human can decide whether their life should continue or end depends on their view of the situation, “life is precious, but when the time comes, we should have the choice to die with dignity because, after all, it’s our life” (Katie, “A Secular Take on Euthanasia”) Without God as a paradigm, Secularists have no purpose in life nor any hope beyond the materialistic world that they believe in so they justify that it is alright to end their life since it is their choice to do so. Unlike the rather hopeless Secularists, Christians have a hope and a purpose in life since, as Jeremiah 29:11 said, God has a plan to “prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11, NIV). Unlike Secularists who think that their purpose is to wiggle around until death take him or her away, Christians live with a positive mind that God had made a plan for them to grow stronger in their faith so that they can accomplish numerous achievements that will glorify Him. By following God’s Word and have faith in Him, human do not have to rely on euthanasia to avoid physical and mental pain. Instead, God can make …show more content…

People in the modern world defines euthanasia as “mercy killing; the act of putting to death painlessly” ( As sentimental as it may sound, euthanasia is essentially another form of murder; the only difference is that the victim allow others to kill them. Secularists, however, think of euthanasia differently. Since Secularists do not particularly has a specific purpose in life except for struggling through difficulties until death, they view euthanasia as the quickest way to end any form of pain in their life. In their own philosophy and reasoning, if they feel that their decision is correct, even if it’s suicide or murder or euthanasia, then it is correct. This why Secularists are wrong: human emotions cannot be the basis of laws or truth for it clouds a person’s judgement so making decision on temporary emotion is dangerous. Unlike them, Christians had God to rely on. Therefore, Christian never let astray by their own false emotions and make sinful actions like assisted suicide. Despite of numerous reasons the Secularists fought for euthanasia, euthanasia is immoral for it is another form of murder that rely on emotions instead of clear judgement that people should