Comparing Song Of Solomon And Oedipus The King

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Two prostitutes, who lived in the same house and each had a baby, went to the king to have an argument settled on to whom the living and the dead child belong. In the presence of the king, both women claimed the living child as theirs and the dead one to the other. To settle the argument, the king ordered the living child to be cut in two and give half to one prostitute and the other half to the other. The woman, however, who was the real mother pleaded to the king not to kill the child but rather gave to the other woman, who was delighted that the baby will be ripped apart. In result, the king ordered that the living child would be given to the woman who wants him live for she is the real mother! (1 Kings 3:16-28) Wisdom is “the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting.” …show more content…

He realized the immensity of the tasks for he was in the midst of a nation so great and numerous. At one night he confessed to God that he is just a little child who doesn’t know his way around. Then proceeded to ask for wisdom in order to govern God’s people well and to know the difference between right and wrong. (1 Kings 3:6-15). The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for wisdom in governing his people and have not asked for a long life or wealth or the death of his enemies. Subsequently, God gave the king what he asked for including riches and