Comparing The Great Gatsby And The Social Network

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The Great Gatsby, a story many know and love, gained itself a movie adaptation in 2013; however many do not know it had already practically gained its own called The Social Network, which is not a complete adaptation as it has its own story as well as background information behind it, and yet it holds themes that central to it as well as The Great Gatsby. Furthermore, those themes which are central as well as common between The Great Gatsby and The Social Network are: the gap between old entrepreneurs and new ones, the seduction of malignant third parties, and most importantly the desire for one woman in particular. In fact, the entire setting for both novels is set by one of those themes, the gap between old entrepreneurs and new ones. That …show more content…

In Gatsby’s case he went to work under Dan Cody, but then gets his inheritance from Dan Cody whisked away and then he went into the military to make way and made it all the way into becoming a war hero and yet when he had come back nothing changed and soon he landed on the streets hungry and poor. Next, in Zuckerberg’s case he created “Face Smash”, then, punished, and then finally made “The Facebook,” but both times the two sites failed to reach the goals he set for them. Finally losing hope somewhat, both of them decided to go to a third party, Gatsby’s Meyer Wolfsheim and Zuckerberg’s Sean Parker. These two groups helped them a considerable amount and yet both somewhat screwed the characters they were in league with over in one way or another. Moreover, for Gatsby, Meyer Wolfsheim helped him greatly as well as made Gatsby a very wealthy man and helped achieved Gatsby’s desires to an extent; however, Meyer Wolfsheim never truly was Gatsby’s friend and mostly used him as a figurehead and as such at the end did not even have a single worry or care that Gatsby had been murdered. Similarly, Sean Parker assisted Zuckerberg greatly in launching Facebook World-Wide, extending the website to two other countries by himself. Nevertheless, Sean also ended up screwing Zuckerberg over as he gets caught doing drugs, is brought into custody, and publicly defaces Facebook’s reputation. In the end, both third party