Comparing The Interaction Between Katy's Two Sisters And Rob In The Woods

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In The Woods’ obsession with searching, places a great emphasis on the tips and clues discovered throughout the journey. Rob often discovers clues when talking to other characters in the novel. The interaction between Katy’s two sisters and Rob: ‘OH—what is it, sweetheart? ‘Rosalind bent toward her. “Are you ready to tell Detective Ryan about the man?” Jessica nodded stiffly. “I saw a man,” she said. Her eyes not on me but on Rosalind. “He talked to Katy.” My heart started to race. If I had been religious, I would have been lighting candles to every saint in the calendar for this: one solid lead. (French 166) demonstrates how the clues and tips shape the journey. In the last sentence, Rob exhibits his excitement, for what he believes, is

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