If I were the man in the lady and in The Lady and The Tiger I would picked a different door then what the princess told me to choose. The first reason I would choose the door I wanted would be because I would want my fate to be in my own hands, not in Someone else 's hands. The next reason I would choose the door I wanted is because the princess seemed kind of jealous of the lady behinds one of the doors. The final reason I would choose the door I wanted is because the prince know the princess, and maybe he knows what she would choose, if he knows what she would choose but he doesn 't want that, then he should pick the door he wanted. If you had a fate, would you let someone choose it for? Probably not because you don 't know what there going to tell you to do or what the result would be, it wouldn 't be your fate because you aren 't choosing what you do you 're letting some else choose it for you. In the story, the princess told the prince to go to the door to the right, but the prince doesn 't know what 's behind the right door, of he choose the door she told him to, the fate would be in her hands, but if he choose that door he wanted then the fate would be in his hands. The fate all ties in to the trust of he trust her to pick the right fate then he may go to the do she says, but if he …show more content…
Although the princess loved the prince, she had seemed quite jealous of the girl behind one of the doors. The narrator said that the princess had seen her lover and the girl talking, the princess also said how the girl was one of the fairest and loveliest ladies on damsels of court who had been selected for the prince. Jealousy can change people, out of jealousy the princess could be telling the prince to go to the door with the tiger behind it, the prince could pick the door he wanted I stead of choosing the door she wanted and then if he got eaten alive it would be his fault, and if he got married to the lovely lady then he would know that he chose the right fate