Comparing The Rates Of Increased And Decreased Temperature Of Frogs

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Increased and Decreased Temperature of Frogs
In this experiment, we observed the respiration rates of increased and decreased temperatures in frogs.(rephrase) We used a Qubit gas analysis and an analog-to-digital conversion system to measure the rates of CO2 by changing the temperature of the environment. We predicted that if we lower the temperature of the ambient environment, then the frog will have increased available oxygen for respiration.
We hypothesized that when the temperature of the environment is lowered it will result in increased available carbon dioxide levels for the frog. We predicted that if we lowered the temperature, then the frog will have an increase in oxygen level.
Metabolism is the energy flow through the series of chemical reactions for an organism’s survival (Hoese, 2014, pg. 112,). Metabolism is calculated by the amount of food the organism consumes and the amount of waste it excretes. The size of an organism does make a difference when we measure for their metabolic rates; more diminutive species utilize a greater amount of their body mass for fundamental structures. …show more content…

According to Hainer (2014), the frog’s moist skin is exceptionally composed with minor veins close to the surface to help diffuse oxygen in and carbon dioxide out. Gas exchange is the essential capacity of the lungs including the exchange of oxygen from breathed air into the blood and the exchange of carbon dioxide from the blood into the breathed out air.
After measuring the amount of carbon dioxide from the frog, we were able to record the metabolic rate of the frog. We can see that our hypothesis was supported from the data we