Comparing Two Articles On Global Climate Change

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Weekend Challenge #1
What is the main thesis or point of each article?
In the article titled 2017 is so unexpectedly warm it is freaking out climate scientists, the main point is that human caused global warming and can only be stopped if humans take action against climate change.
In the article titled REPORT: Earth Has Not Warmed For Past 19 Years, the main point is that global warming is not happening and there is nothing to be concerned about.
Are the two articles in agreement with each other?
The two articles are not in agreement with each other. One article says that global warming is getting worse while the other article says climate change is not happening at all.
Evaluate the arguments of each article. In the article 2017 is so …show more content…

His position is very clear, but he really only wrote ten sentences of original work, so it is a bit hard to understand his position. The only thing known is that Curl is immensely politically motivated and has no interest in the actual science he is attempting to explain. The information he uses in incredibly inaccurate, misleading, irrelevant, and easily shot down. First, he cites the Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) which is an institute that studies sea ice. Sea ice is irrelevant when talking about global climate change. If Curl wished to talk about how sea ice was growing thicker, he should have changed his main point to something other than ‘Climate change is fake.’ He also cites a tabloid, Daily Star, which is simply unprofessional, unless the entire work is an attempt at satire. Second, he cites a little known private company named Global Weather Oscillations, whose main purpose is likely to make money or be unnecessarily subversive with a front of being scientific. It is unreliable to use private companies to investigate such hot topics like climate change, since they can easily be paid off to spread misinformation. The article itself seems to be politically motivated rather than motivated by the urge to share information about climate change. The author is invested in being right about climate change not being a concern, likely due to political