
Comparing Two Different Views On Women And Religion

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This book looks at two different views on women in the church. On one side, there is the egalitarian. This prioritizes equality for all people. Men are not seen as higher than women, but they are equal and have equal opportunity. The other side is complementarian which believes that men and women have different roles in life and the church. Men are the head and women are to follow them. After reading this book, I am still not sure where I stand. In a way, I think both can be right and both could use a little tweaking. The egalitarian view uses the creation story as evidence. God created Adam first, and then made Eve from Adam. There is a distinction in the two, but they are created to walk together. It says, “They will become one flesh.” …show more content…

Jesus allows for the woman to anoint his feet and wipe them with her hair. These acts might lead people to think she was a prostitute, but Jesus knows her heart and takes this opportunity to commend her love. There were many groups of men and women who traveled together teaching and preaching the word of God. Most people would think something about this, but Jesus did not. A similar story about the woman at the well. Jesus, again, seizes the opportunity and ministers to the woman. He does not ridicule her or make her feel guilty. He talks to her like he would anyone else, and speaks truth into her …show more content…

I saw how both sides were argued and they did a good job. Each had its truths and each had some things I did not agree with. I agree with the complementarian view on women in leadership. I think God put men in a leadership position for a reason. They are going to lead in the family and in church. But, I also think they need help from women and their wife to survive. They cannot do this alone, neither can we. It is a team effort. Something that was said in the book that really stood out to me was, “Once you have decided, as best as you can understand it, what Scripture does permit women to do, can any reasonably objective observers of your church and you ministry quickly recognize you are bending over backwards to encourage and nurture women in these roles?” I honestly think it all comes down to what you believe personally. Everyone has and will always have different views on everything. There will never be a time when someone doesn’t disagree. I have had to learn that not everyone is going to like what I believe or agree with what I have to say. and I need to be confident in that. There has been so much controversy about women the past few years it has honestly gotten out of control. This whole debate about women has turned into a competition and a hate war. We should be encouraging one another and lifting each other up. Men should be standing beside women in this fight, and women should not be tearing men down along the way.

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