Comparison And Contrast Of The Stamp Act And The Townshend Act

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The colonists protested both the Stamp Acts and the Townshend Acts, their tools of protests were both similar and different. The Stamp Act was passed in 1765, and it forced colonists to buy and sue stamps on many paper goods. The Stamp Act, unlike other acts affected all colonists. Many colonists were very angry with this act and decided to protest. Colonial leaders began using the phrase "no taxation without representation" when they protested. They thought that it was unfair to be taxed when they had to representatives in government. Colonists were sent to the Stamp Act Congress in New York City, here they made a petition for the king. The petition said that only the colonial assemblies had the right to tax the colonists. Colonists also began …show more content…

The Townshend acts were then passed in 1767 to raise more money. One act stopped New York's assembly from meeting until colonists agreed to house the British troops and another act placed more taxes on good brought into the colonies. To enforce these laws, used search warrants, or writs of assistance, to search homes for smuggled goods. Colonists were angry that their assembly was banned from meeting,, and that the Parliament was still taxing the colonists, even though it went against their rights. They were also unhappy with the writs of assistance, which they thought went against their rights too. To protest these acts Samuel Adams led the Sons of Liberty in a boycott of British goods. The sons and daughter of liberty told store owners and other colonists to not sell or buy British goods, and to use American goods. Some colonists tried to protest peacefully, but others didn't. many riots broke out, one broke out because officials tried to search a merchant ship for smuggled goods. The British began bringing more and more troops into the colonies. The British later decided to get rid of all taxes, except for the one on