Comparison Between Coffee And Cocaine

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In Figure 15, we can see that majority ranked the sweetness for tea with SugarNature™ at 1 & 2, which is the least sweet and for tea with cane sugar was ranked at 2 & 3, which is a bit sweeter compared to tea with SugarNature™. This is due to the sucrose level each beverage contained. In Table 9 & Table 10, we can see that tea with SugarNature™ has a reading of 0% while tea with cane sugar is 3%. Thus, this explain the difference in ranking of their sweetness level. In Figure 16, majority ranked the sweetness level for tea with SugarNature™ & cane sugar at 3 where the sweetness is just nice and tea with cane sugar & soymilk at 2 where it is a bit less sweet compared to tea with SugarNature™ and soymilk. This might be due to the soaking time is longer for tea with SugarNature™ & soymilk, thus it might have some of the tea aftertaste with the SugarNature™ which made the participants thinks that the sweetness is just nice even though the sucrose level reading said otherwise. …show more content…

This is because coffee with coffee with SugarNature™ & soymilk (3%) has a lower sucrose level compared to coffee with cane sugar & soymilk (6%). In Figure 18, caramel coffee with SugarNature™ & soymilk was ranked at 3 (sweetness is just nice) and caramel coffee with cane sugar & soymilk was ranked at 4 (sweeter than caramel coffee with SugarNature™ &

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