Comparison Between 'Feed And The Dark Horse'

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Through many generations of teenagers they have all replicated the importance to our younger generation about how the choices and steps that now will shape us and who we are going to be in the future. “The Dark Horse” directed by James Napier Robertson, shows us the example of how we should always choose by what we think is right for us and not what other people want us to choose through peer pressure. “The Outsiders” by Graeme Lay replicates to us how when making choices we need to consider the effects on not just us, but to the ones that are around us, and to not be so selfish. It also talks about the main character ‘Karl Sikowsky” and how he had left his “lover” Justine due to his obsession to surfing and he does not want to live a reality …show more content…

Both texts “Feed” and “The Dark Horse” shows to be have the same situation of making a right decision, because of how Mana chose to leave the house for his own good, but also here we see how Titus chooses to be addicted to his technology which is something that is not right. The text “Feed” deals with an average teenager that we see as “Titus” and how his addiction to technology has affected not only himself but the one’s that around him. The text is based upon the future universe, where they have the opportunity to be able to travel to the moon and according to Titus “We went to the moon to have fun, and it turned out to completely suck”. Shown by this, it highlights to us as readers of how Titus is not someone who can easily be entertained and because of that, his addiction will only get more and more severe. Titus also has a programme called “Feed” installed inside him, to be able to help keep him entertained, but as much as he wants to have a close connection with technology, he wants his lover Violet, but she does not agree of Titus having “Feed” installed inside of him, and due to this Violet had it installed as well to figure out a way to get rid of feed, along the way, she tries to hack the system, and which had led to malfunctions in her brain, and had eventually killed her. As shown because of Titus’s poor choice making to overcome his addiction to technology and wanting to be entertained he had killed …show more content…

Throughout the text we are presented to two characters of “Karl Sikowsky” and “Justine”. As Karl reaches the town of “Kaimara” to surf and accompany his obsession, he meets his lover “Justine”, and eventually had gotten her pregnant. Due to Karl’s obsession to surfing, he decided to leave Justine and Kaimara as it was said as “The Bach was empty, and deserted”, the way how it was described as deserted means that Karl not had only left the town, but seeming though as how Karl had also left the heart and soul of Justine” simply because of how he doesn’t want to sacrifice surfing for living a reality life. From that selfish decision that Karl had made, he may see it to benefit himself, but in the bigger picture, Justine’s future would just be innocently stripped away from her vigorously with no choice at all. Both texts “The Outsider” and “Feed” and “The Dark Horse” have the same situation of making a right choice to not only benefit just ourselves but to also the ones that are around us, not being selfish and self-minded because after all were not the only ones who have to be cared