Reflection Of Heart Of Darkness

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Out of the three novels we read for the Modern Fiction class, the one I favoured most is Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.At first I thought I would hate it, because it indeed has a very unattractive appearance, and the subject did not interested me either. When I started to read, it was still somewhat boring. However, with my experience with every other book I’ve ever read, I was aware most novels have a boring and uncompelling beginnings, and pushed myself to leave those parts behind. As I read, it became compelling, and the light air with which Marlow told his story started to make me love the narration. It was unexpected, realistic, fluent, and a witty read. Another reason that made pulled me was the similarity between Conrad’s Heart …show more content…

When he encounters the people and places, he describes them so detailed, it is a joy for one to read. Especially the parts where they are moving on on the river before the hullabaloo prior to arrival in Kurtz’s station. The passage that starts with “Going up that river was like travelling back to the earliest beginnings of the world…” (41) describes the place so profoundly, readers can almost see and feel it once they shut their eyes. The “silence” and the “warm, thick, heavy, sluggish” air is enough to make one feel uncomfortable while the “reaches opened before us and closed behind” description for the river that is surrounded by an immense crowd of trees definitely makes it possible for one to feel the exact feeling Marlow tries to describe by saying “It made you feel very small, very lost, and yet it was not altogether depressing that feeling.” (43). His meaning in saying it wasn’t that “depressing” is because they were doing what they were supposed to be doing, and not just waiting for something to happen. There is action, yet it is eerily full of mysteries –and that is what makes him utter the words “We penetrated deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness.”. It is such an absolute statement that he could say nothing more and the reader would know what he meant. However, he continues and states that it is “very quiet”, which is an emphasis on their loneliness and alienation. This quiet and unknown place haunts them even before they