Comparison Of Lebron James And Michael Jordan

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Who is the greatest all time player to ever play in the NBA? Would it be both of the McDonalds All Americans? Lebron James or Michael Jordan? They are the best two small forwards ever to play the game of basketball. Some may think they are similar, but in my opinion they are different. These two players play the game with different styles, have different numbers of national championships earned, and their bodies are built differently. Both players played with different playing styles, which show how the NBA has changed drastically. Michael Jordan dominated the game from the mid 80s, when they believed in more of team basketball, and Lebron James dominated in the NBA shortly after leaving straight after high school. He was that good to be the number 1 draft pick in the NBA. On the other hand Michael Jordan was around when the referee let the players play more physically. Talented players like Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, and Wilt Chamberlain all played the game in a physical way. How the game was played then, and how it is played now is a big change. Rules have been changed , and the style of play of the game as a whole has changed for the …show more content…

Michael Jordan ended his career with six national championships

Gore 2 and Lebron James won the national championships, two times in a row: 2012 and 2013 with the Miami Heat. His career is still going strong as he is only twenty-nine years of age. He was the youngest player to score 20,000 points at age twenty-eight and was given the most valuable player award many times. Jordan on the other hand has been in the lead longer and was the first player since Wilt Chamberlain to score more than 3,000 points in a single season. This does not make him better in my eyes. Lebron James is overall the best athlete and he is only going to progress as time goes on, and become better than