
Comparison Of War In My Brother Sam Is Dead By Collier And Collier

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“War turns men into beasts”(Collier and Collier 200)

In the book My Brother Sam is Dead by Collier and Collier, The Meeker family live in a Tory town and they are Tories as well. When Sam Meeker joins the war, not only is war terrible but Sam joined the Patriot side. Mr. Meeker was furious with Sam when he got this news. He felt ashamed and upset his own son would go out in the war and get himself killed. In the novel, although both sides are shown, the authors ultimately argue that war is pointless.

War is terrible and all it does is tear families apart.

“Go, Sam. Go. Get out of my sight. I can’t bear to look at you in that vile costume”(Collier and Collier 22).

When Sam comes home, dressed in the patriot uniform. Mr. Meeker is upset
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