Complex Project Manager Interview Paper

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The purpose of this interview is to obtain information and to possibly use this belief elsewhere. When asked, Joe Vasquez; Complex Project Manager, (CPM) for the Los Angeles Unified School District, Department of Maintenance & Operations. A Division of Facilities Environmental Technical Unit (FETU). What challenges has he encountered in the workplace that have shaped his views on Leadership? “An organization exists only because of the people who are a part of it, and those people both shape and interpret the character and culture of the organization. That is, an organization is not a slice of objective reality; different people may perceive the organization in different ways and relate to it in different ways. Leaders formulate a viewpoint about the organization and the values that can help people achieve the organization’s mission, vision, and strategic goals. Therefore, leaders enact a viewpoint and a set of values that they think are best for helping the organization succeed”. (Daft, R. 2015). pp. 438.

His response: It is difficult to approach an ethical matter into leadership in the workplace since our organizations vary with a large diverse culture in which all need to learn from each other. (J. Vasquez, personal …show more content…

(J. Vasquez, personal communication, March 26, 2018). While there were many changes in the workplace through the decades, organizations continue to pursue employees with strong work ethics. Employers often quote a robust work ethic as the most looked-for characteristic in a new employee (Denka, 1994; Hill & Petty, 1995; Young, 1986). Work ethic and principals of an immediate supervisor can be labeled as a set of faces and attitudes in which an individual worker gives status and value to his work. Businesses and organizations with employees who are dedicated to work have a market