Compliance Of Psychotropic Drugs Essay

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Compliance of Psychotropic Drugs Disorders such as depression, anxiety, bipolar, and schizophrenia are common diagnoses that change the entire life of the patient. Unfortunately, mental health disorders can’t be cured. Typically, attempts are made to control the problem using medications. Psychological disorders are not easy to test for and are even harder to treat. A patient may need to try several different types of medication before a suitable match is found. There are also many issues surrounding compliance. Compliance with medications is imperative in controlling the disease. Some people do not like the feeling psychotropic drugs create. People may describe a blunted or flat feeling from the medications. Other people may begin to feel better and believe they are cured and no longer need their medications. Patients need to have a voice and have a provider that listens to their concerns with compassion. Properly supporting patients with mental illness is an exhausting job, but extremely important in helping the patient control their disorder. The nurse must use many tools including medications, open communication, and limit setting for a patient with mental disorders. Caring for a patient with a mental disorder must include multiple treatments in order to be …show more content…

Many times these medications are prescribed by multiple doctors and patients may end up taking multiple medications. Using multiple medications may cause an increase in side effects. A study looking at medications and compliance reported, “side-effects can become so troubling that some people do not adhere to the prescribed treatment regimen” (Westaway, Sluggett, Alderman, Procter, and Roughead, 2016). In order to provide proper treatment providers must verify all medications, a patient has been prescribed. Avoiding overly medicating a patient may help the patient to remain compliant with their