Component Manning Guidance

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(U) HQDA EXORD 10-13 in support of the HQDA FY 13-15 Active Component Manning Guidance. (U) (ATSG-NCOA). The purpose of this executive summary (EXSUM) is to identify the strategic intentions within ALARACT 293/2012; DTG: P 181732Z. Currently, as well as in the future, the Army will be reducing the force structure in order to eliminate the wartime allowance. This force drawdown will diminish manning flexibility and reduce Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS) personnel. The mission within the ALARACT focuses on providing the Army Active Component (AC) with Manning Guidance (MG) for FY13-15 that is synchronized with the Army’s priorities. Key tasks are as follows: Man the Army and preserve a high quality all-volunteer force, provide minimal