Composition 1 Reflection

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Throughout the class, I have learned that my writing has grown greatly and what undercover talents I think I have within writing skills. In classes previously to Composition One, I have gotten very good grades on papers and the classes came very easily to me. Although, Composition One has showed me that I’m not a perfect writer and I still have many things to work on to get to the level that I would like to be at.

One goal that Composition One helped me learn was how to demonstrate effective writing as a recursive process. One of my first papers of the semester was a paper that I had written multiple times, about a traumatic personal experience of when I had to go to the Emergency Room due to Anaphylactic shock. In the previous years, I …show more content…

One paper in particular that really helped me was my Literary Analysis paper. This paper was about our summer reading, Station Eleven, where we took reading logs to understand the context of what we were reading and compare the book to a newer book we started as the new school year began which was, Anthem. We had to compare these papers in a way to find the deeper message beyond the text. In this paper I struggled with vague points. From this I learned that you can't look at the text and try to find similarities between the books in text, you have to dig deep and bring out the big message both authors are truly trying to persuade. Which I think I have come to more of an understanding of after getting critiques back on this …show more content…

My Career Research paper was my best paper that I thought I showed this skill through. I learned how to find and use good reliable sources, how to use quotes, and how to properly put them into my papers. With this unit I enjoyed how we would print off our sources first that way we could underline and use the exact quote for our paper. Doing this in my Research paper helped give a very factful, enjoyable, reliable paper, which I think made my paper more enjoyable to the audience. I had also learned from my Literary Analysis paper how to incorporate book quotes and how to cite a books page number along with the authors names in my papers which I wouldn't of known how to do unless it was for Composition