
Computer Virus Case Study

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Computer Viruses
Learning Checklist:
• Computer Virus
• Types of computer viruses
• Preventing a virus infection
• Antivirus software
Let’s Get Started:
We have learnt that computers help us create documents, presentations, research on internet, play games etc. Imagine while we are on one of our favourite activities on computer, somebody forces us to stop by locking our computer and then demands money/ransom to open/unlock it, that too not physically been present. Yes, this is possible and this can happen with any of us. This particular activity not only stops us from working but also extracts vital information, which is more personal to us, from our computers.
People who do such things are called hackers and they do such activities with …show more content…

Answer the following in one/a sentence.
1. Who is a hacker?
2. Define the term ‘virus’.
3. Why is it not advisable to use an open Wifi?
4. What is MyDoom?

V. Answer the following questions briefly
1. Mention any 4 damages which most computer viruses can do to an infected computer.
2. What do you mean by the term ‘updating virus definition’?
3. Name any two malicious computer programs. Explain the way it functions.
4. What are the ways in which a computer virus spreads from one system to another?
VI. Answer the following questions in detail
1. What is antivirus software and explain the importance of it in a system. Name any two commercially available antivirus softwares.
2. What are the ways to prevent our computers from getting infected?
VII. Project
1. Do an audit of all the computer systems of your school to find out how safe they are from virus attacks. You can create a checklist of things to be checked and questions to be asked to the users of the computers while doing the audit.
2. Visit your school computer lab or personal computer at home. Find the name of the Antivirus installed on the system. List down the functions it allows the user to do. Execute some system scans and generate

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