
Conan Doyle Accomplishments

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With this charcater that he felt like was dampening his potenialgone, he proceeded to work single mindedly on his literary works, a passion he enjoyed. Unfortunately at this time his wife fell ill, and he was hardly aware of this, but he nevertheless had to, when she started to show that she was heavily affected by tuberculosis. She was given only a few months to live, but due to Conan Doyle’s medical career, she lived into the twentieth century. With his wife sick and in the bed, himself working on his books, and his father recently dying, Doyle was becoming depressed, and he started to look for answers in spiritualistic ways. He became fascinated with the occult, and when he joined the Society for Psychical Research, it was considered …show more content…

Sailing for New York in September of 1894 with his younger brother Innes, Doyle was booked to give talks in more than thirty cities, the tour was a huge success. HE made many friends, and Americans described him as one with a peculiar personality. Conan Doyle returned home for christmas and came out with the first in a popular new series, "Brigadier Gerard". After a trip to africa with his wife, hoping the warmth would help her condition, he met a woman named Jean Leckie. He described her as beautiful, and he fell in love with her. Doyle saw and courted her for nine years before marrying, while his life was alive still. Doyle, a man who prided himself on his morals, remained celibate until his wife’s demise later on. While he was courting Jean, he was near broke. So ,in a money making attempt, he decided to write a play about Sherlock Holmes, not to bring him back because he was missed, rather to make money that he desperately needed. An American actor William Gillette having read the script, asked for permission to revise it. Doyle willingly agreed, and when the actor asked permission to alter the Holmes style, he replied, "You may marry him, murder him, or do anything you like to him.". This resulted in the script being hardly original one that doyle

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