Concept Analysis On Resilience

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Resilience is another new area of research; however, its influence reaches numerous disciplines. Resilience research began in the 1980s, across several different fields, including nursing (Eicher et al., 2014) Unlike CF, which focuses on the healthcare professional side of a nurse-patient relationship, resilience is applied personally. Within the scope of nursing research, this means that resilience’s effect on both nurse and patient is important. At the broadest level, resilience is overcoming adverse situations, which would be beneficial for both nurses and patients. There is much debate amongst researchers as to what resilience is. In the beginning, it was studied as a trait (Masten, 1994). However, it has more recently ascribed to be a …show more content…

Earvolino-Ramirez wrote a concept analysis on resilience, paying particular attention to empirical evidence of resilience. Hart, Brannan, and Chesnay wrote an integrative review on resilience and the necessity of it in the nursing field. Eicher et al. did a study on the importance of resilience and effect on positive cancer patient outcomes. We will use, again, use the same three factors to assess the information provided by these articles: the definition of resilience, evolution over time, and its significance. This assessment will be done on these articles to provide a cohesive summary on the understanding of resilience as it applies to nursing …show more content…

This might be due to previous studies suggesting in order to combat CF, we need to increase CS, not attempt to decrease CF levels (Hegney et al., 2013). Taking into account Polk’s conclusion that resilience is a process, meaning it can be learned, resilience could also be described as the process to learn compassion satisfaction.
As seen in both literature reviews, non-resilient and CF sufferers both exhibit psychological emptiness. Although Hart, Brannan, and Chesnay felt like emotional detachment built resilience, this referred to “detachment [allowing] nurses to perform painful, uncomfortable patient procedures that were necessary in patients’ recovery process”. This process deflects the effects of STS, but does not equate to CF, where emotional detachment prevents nurses from performing their

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