Conclusion Of Newton's Laws Of Motion

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Abstract—. Isaac Newton, an English physicist and mathematician, established three physicals laws that lays out the foundations for classical mechanics. These laws are known as Newton’s Laws of Motion. They describe the relationship between an object or body and the forces acting upon it. These laws first appeared in Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy) which was published in 1687. Newton’s laws are only applicable in an inertial reference frame and they are: the law of inertia, law of mass, acceleration and force, and the law of action-reaction. The second law of motion is the law that states how to calculate the force. It shows the relationship between the force, mass, and acceleration of a certain body.

Keywords—mass; acceleration; net force; pulley; dynamics cart Introduction
The experiment aims to verify Newton’s second law which presents the relationship between the net force, mass, and acceleration. It can be represented as F = ma. According to Newton’s second law, the net force should be equal to the product of the total mass and its acceleration. The experiment will employ the use of a dynamics cart, a pulley, and a hanging mass along a dynamics cart track. This experiment will verify if the weight of the hanging mass (m2g) is equivalent to the net force on the entire system when friction is overlooked.
Review of related literature
Isaac Newton was claimed to have single-handedly put in motion the modern