Confidentiality In Health And Social Care Essay

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Confidentiality means keeping private information safe and only sharing this information with people who need to know. Confidentiality is keeping a confidence between the client and the practitioner which is an important part of good care practice. Confidentiality is that it helps to build and develop trust. It is also important not to show anyone other than those who should or need to know. If confidentiality is broken then they will not trust the health social care early year providers and may not share important information with them in the future.
Service users have right to expect that information about them will be held in confidence, this is central to the trust between them, care also has the same right to expect that the information they provide will be held in confidence by the professional crucial to maintain the trust between all parties. …show more content…

These services are provided when people are at their most vulnerable and so respect for dignity is particularly important. A practitioner must help individual’s o maintain their self-respect and ensure privacy. E.g. Draw the curtain around the bed and make sure that other personal areas are covered, make sure the individual is comfortable when they dressed.
Person centred is about putting the needs and wishes of the person first and this is done by listening to a person and understanding, the importance of meeting their individual’s needs is a way that is right for them. Person centred the needs and choice of an individual person are seen as very important and this, means that they can support the individual in their care routine in a way that best suits for them e.g. helping the individuals to shower in the morning rather than the evening as that is what they