There is no universally correct way to handle every workplace conflict. Each conflict is unique, and depending on the individual circumstances of the issue or disagreement, and depending on the personalities involved, different strategies are needed to reach the optimal solution and move forward successfully.
To take a closer look at the various strategies one can use in resolving workplace conflict, let us review the five different conflict management styles developed by Kenneth W. Thomas and Ralph H. Kilmann.
The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument assesses conflict management styles on two distinct levels: assertiveness and cooperativeness. Under this model, the five conflict management styles are as follows:
1. Competing (both
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Examples: You have a situation in which you want to put personal feelings aside and focus on issues.
When the major objective is to learn from others or to work on your relationship with others. To encourage mutual commitment to a project through incorporating others ' ideas into the final agreement.
A compromising conflict management style is a perfect balance of both levels of assertiveness and levels of cooperation. Compromising usually means both sides give concessions but also both sides get a little of what they want.
Conflict is neither avoided altogether nor collaborated on fully. There is some cooperation, but not complete cooperation. Compromise is about making both parties happy enough - splitting the difference and finding an acceptable middle ground.
Examples: When a healthy relationship with the other party is more important than reaching all of your goals. When a complex issue needs a fast but temporary solution while a better solution is discussed. When you have an approaching deadline. When collaboration is not working despite your best
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When you want to "pick your fights" and have another issue to cover later that is of more importance.
An avoiding conflict management style is extremely passive - the topic at hand is ignored. Both your goals and the goals of the other person are not engaged or discussed and the conflict is left alone altogether.
Any attempts made by others to address the conflict are ignored, sidestepped, or delayed. Examples: When others are not acting appropriately. When the conflict will cause more damage than the potential resolution will offer.
When those involved need time to cool their temperaments and collect their thoughts. When you need to gather more information or data. When the issue is symptomatic of a greater issue, or when other unrelated issues are more pressing.
Just as it is important for your to choose a style of conflict management each time you enter into a discussion or argument at the workplace, it is also imperative that you recognize which conflict management style the other party is using on their end of the issue and why they have chosen that