Conflict Must Have A Winner In Amigo Brothers By Piri Thomas

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Conflicts are something that everyone deals with. Some believe that in order to come to a

proper resolution, the conflict must have a winner. Yes, I do believe that every conflict must

have a winner. However, having a winner depends on the type of conflict, your point of view,

and your values/personal experiences.

My past experiences have helped me determine that not all conflicts have a winner. For

example, my sister has done a lot of things to hurt me and my family. She faked graduating

high school and having a real job. In her mind she thought that she was winning because she

didn't have to do anything. But, in the big picture, she was actually loosing since she ended up

loosing her good life. Not all conflicts must have a winner …show more content…

Both hope for this not to get

in between their friendship. However, they do both want to win. They agreed to pretend as if

they do not know each other, so that they could fight as they normally would. In the ring, it was

one on one, a fair fight. By the end of the match, it was time to announce the champion.

The "Amigo Brothers", however, didn't even bother to have a winner to their conflict. Instead,

they dropped the problem and left knowing that they were both winners.

In "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan, Amy's mother has a desire to make Amy into a musical prodigy

in order to compete against a friend's daughter. Throughout her childhood, Amy could never

understand why her mother wanted her to be something she's not. While practice the piano,

Amy doesn't even bother to try because her instructor is deaf and his sight is too slow to see her

movements. In her mind, Amy thought that she was the winner because she didn't actually

have to practice. However, by the time her talent show performance came she realized she was

the loser. Amy totally messed up her performance. Because of this she thought that she