Conformity: The Different Modes Of Individual Adaptation

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The first mode of individual adaptation is called conformity. Conformity can be described as simply complying with rules, laws, etc. and displaying behavior that is socially accepted and seen as rational. Merton stated that people who conform, “…believe in the legitimacy of the conventional or institutionalized means through which success was to be attained” (Lilly, Cullen, & Ball, 68). The conformists of the world in regards to social norms, do not result to crime in order to gain resources that are received through conventional means like a well-paying job. An example of a conformist is someone who works a 9-5 job and does not stray from gaining success through means such as working or receiving an education. Following conformity, the next mode of individual adaptation is known as innovation. Innovation is different from conformity in the sense that people, “...turn to illegitimate means when they find their legitimate prospects for economic gain blocked” (Lilly, Cullen & Ball, 68). When looking back at conformity, people believed in the institutionalized means to achieve success whereas innovative people do not. Examples of people who produce innovative behavior are white-collar criminals which turn to crime in order to satisfy the desire for economic success. One could assume that the people under this type of …show more content…

However, this does not mean that ritualists turn to crime in order to produce economic gain. They lack short-term and long-term goals and the motivation to take risks. I would think that an example of a ritualist is someone who works a job that can satisfy the basic costs of living like food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. Most likely these people live paycheck to paycheck and are completely fulfilled doing