Confucius Vs Tolstoy

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Both Confucius and Tolstoy both promote key ideas that could help make the world a "better place." Within both of their writings lay much wisdom and truth. For example, Confucius makes it clear that people are affected by what we act and what comes out of our mouths. Tolstoy, on the other hand, made it clear in his story "Three Questions" that the best time to take action is now. You can tell by just by the simple act of living that these both hold some truth. However, the real question is does it display a Biblical viewpoint? Or is it perhaps only close to truth?
To be real, I highly doubt that either of these men wrote their stories with the Bible in mind. When it comes to Confucius, he had written "The Analects" in around 500 B.C. That's five-hundred years before Jesus Christ! Now it may …show more content…

When it comes to Tolstoy, he seems to be a smart man. But was he wise? Was he truly knowledgeable? The Bible says that true wisdom and knowledge come from fearing the Lord. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction." (Proverbs 1:7) He may have been smart and he may have held an obvious passion for what he wrote about, but did he fear the Lord? I believe the main theme of "Three Questions" is that it is best to worry about what is in the present. This is partially true, you should be somewhat concerned with the present and the actions you should take today, but I also hold a strong belief that you should at least give thought to the actions you should take if something happens in the future, and learn from mistakes you have made in the past. However you should no dwell on the past. "Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies