Congestive Heart Failure Essay

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Unfortunately Heart Disease has been the number one cause of death in the United States for about 80 years. There are about 610,000 deaths from heart disease and usually happens between the ages 45 and 54. Though Heart Disease tends to effect the older generation more often it is still a problem that needs to be addressed in all age groups. There are steps that need to be taken in order to successfully increase the number of healthy Americans at every stage of life.

Surprisingly people who live healthier and active lifestyles have an substantially lower risk of developing heart diseases like Congestive Heart Failure. It’s very shocking that heart diseases like CHF are the leading cause of death when most cases can be prevented with healthy …show more content…

Taking a look at low class neighborhoods it can be hard sometimes to just find a decent sidewalk or bike trail and I believe there is a strong connection between health issues and problems like this in these neighborhoods. A study done by Reuters Health states, “the longer a person remains in poverty, the more likely he or she is to develop heart disease.” Proving where you live and social economic status definitely has and effect on your health. This Economic burden has greatly effected so many Americans health but we can change this if we work hard to put a effective program in …show more content…

Symptoms of CHF include all but not limited to fatigue, dizziness, weakness, congested lungs and many others which can make it hard to live a normal healthy life.(mayo clinic) CHF is a very serious disease but often can be prevented but many don't realize this until after they already have the disease. Exercise is one of the biggest ways to help prevent this disease because many of the risk factors are to your control like high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes ( To your health, Journal) My intervention with the bike trails will be stopping the problem before it begins in the younger