Constance Matthiessen's Harry Potter And Divorce Among The Muggles

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Harry Potter and Divorce among The Muggles
Constance Matthiessen, the author of Harry Potter and Divorce among The Muggles is the healthcare and environmental journalist whose articles are published in various medical and psychological journals. Matthiessen is interested in the research of various social issues and personal diseases, which explains her story in The Conscious Reader book. Despite her extensive experience in medicine and psychology, in Harry Potter and Divorce among The Muggles Matthiessen appears as an ordinary woman who has faced a difficult life situation. In this article, Matthiessen does not appear as an advisor and assistant but as the victim of the situation where she is not sure of the correctness of her actions.
Despite its name, which can mislead a reader at first glance, the Harry Potter and Divorce among The Muggles article is intended for an adult audience. The target audience of this article are the families who have problems and see the divorce as the only solution. This article can also be useful for those who are already divorced, but still not satisfied with their decision. In this article, Matthiessen often refers to the works of Judith Wallerstein, a psychologist and a family therapist, which …show more content…

She mentions an episode where Harry Potter is deprived of his most important person alive - Sirius Black. Comparing this loss to the loss of her children, Matthiessen argues that the divorce is not the end and that there is still hope to her children to recover: "This is what I wish for my children: a sense of belonging in the world, whether their parents are together or not" 191. Thus, the central message of the Harry Potter and Divorce among The Muggles article is that divorce does not always have to be a fatal event in the lives of children if the parents would do their best to make the life of their children full and