Contemporary Moral Issue Of Abortion

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Abortion Abortion can be defined as the act of purposefully terminating a pregnancy during the early stages, usually the first trimester (Contemporary Moral Issues, 57). Abortion became legal after the court decision Roe v. Wade where it was made unconstitutional for the government to renounce the right of the woman to an abortion (Contemporary Moral Issues, 56). Since then, there has been a multitude of controversy leading up the decision of pro-life or pro-choice (Contemporary Moral Issues, 60). Abortion is a serious topic that should be dealt with as such, personally, I believe the choice should be up the woman because she is the one that will be most affected by whichever outcome she chooses. The right to abortion should be something …show more content…

In cases of young teenagers, the parents should have little to no say in the choice of abortion because it wasn’t their decision nor choice in the creation of the fetus. The teenager at hand should in fact know the full consequences of the actions in which they may embark on. Even though the teenager is the one making the choice to keep the baby or abort it, the parents should still be able to input their opinions and standpoint on the issue. Yet, they shouldn’t have full rights to overrule their child's decision because, ultimately, it is the teen’s life that is going to be permanently altered in light of their choice to abort or not. In an article by Merissa Pence she makes the point that those teenage girls going to clinics for abortions aren’t fully matured, which in turn leads them to not understand the full repercussions of the choice they are about to make (Merissa Pence). Based on the argument Merissa made, there should be laws put in place to have parental consent in order to go through with it (Merissa Pence). Although mentioned previously, parents should have little to no say in the choice of abortion, that doesn’t imply no thought or discussion should be put into the choice or abortion. By allowing the use of parental consent, much like in the 37 states which require it by law, the teenager will have discussed the options with …show more content…

By allowing the father of the fetus a legal say in what option to choose is taking away the rights a woman has over her own body. In cases like Planned Parenthood v. Casey where the father wanted to veto the woman’s right to abort the fetus (Oyez). It was later decided unconstitutional because it takes away the woman’s rights considering she is the one that has to carry the full weight of the pregnancy; it’s happening to her body not the father’s (FindLaw). In terms of the father having legally binding rights to override the mother it seems to be morally wrong. By giving the father a say in the choice it is taking away from the woman. She has to carry the baby for nine months. She has to deal with the emotional and physical weight of carrying a child. Although the father did play a role in the creation of the fetus that does not give him full rights to keep it or not. If the man does get a legal say in what goes down in terms of abortion and he ends up overruling the mother’s choice to abort it, then the mother will have to carry a child in her stomach that she either didn’t want or wasn’t ready for. By putting that kind of distress on the mother it will eventually lead to the damage of her mental state as well as the baby’s overall state because the fetus does depend so much on the mother; the baby should rather not exist in the first place than

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