Persuasive Essay On Health And Abortion

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Health and Abortion
According to the National Abortion Federation, about 35% of pregnant teens have an abortion. (Welton) Although the rate of abortions has dropped tremendously in the U.S. during this past year, abortion is still a prominent and controversial issue. The government is currently trying to make abortion harder to get, as Donald Trump has publicly spoken about his anti-abortion views, and anti-abortion movements are all around, trying to convince women out of having abortions, despite the fact that they were legalized back in 1973 by the Roe V. Wade case. Women have abortions for a variety of reasons. Therefore, abortion should remain legal as females can get pregnant at any age after menstruation and pregnancies can cause serious health risks to both the mother and the baby. …show more content…

In fact, __ percent of babies born to teenage mothers are born premature and even very premature. In 2013, about 36% of infant deaths were caused by premature conditions according to the CDC, a federal agency regarding health, drugs and safety. If abortion were not an option for pregnant teens, they would be forced to face the burden of raising an unhealthy baby. Premature babies can develop Respiratory Distress Syndrome, a disease caused by underdeveloped lungs. Babies born with RDS face permanent respiratory complications and even “Have injury and scarring of the lungs called BPD (bronchopulmonary dysplasia), if the RDS was severe.” According to Nationwide Children's Hospital, one of the leading pediatric hospital/research institutes in the U.S. To force a teenager to give birth and deny them the right to an abortion would force them to be in situations they are either not mature enough for or cannot handle for any reason including economically. Furthermore, pregnant teenagers are subject to a serious of health risks due to