Contextuality And The Discourse Community Analysis

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Reader Response #1 James E.Porter / Carl Rogers In the article of James Porter’s “Intertextuality and the Discourse Community,” the author states that in order for one to understand the other, they first understand it by another. What that means to me is that we learn through means of other text or others and not truly by ourselves, because we gather information from around us and then proceed to generate our own opinions or ideas/ideals by our own surroundings. Porter also mentions and talks about how if you nitpick and view text in a way of plagiarism in some way or another it technically would fall under that category. He goes off to mention that Thomas Jefferson is loosely the author of the Declaration of Independence. Seeing it the way …show more content…

What I got out of that is that you do have to be true to yourself is like the same idea of, “To love others you first must love yourself”, by Leo Buscaglia. Meaning that you need to understand your demons and come to terms with them or at least accept them, to understand your person at a deep level, such so that you are in a state of awareness and peace. Only then can one comprehend or at least have an idea of seeing through the perspective of the other individual. To see a glimpse of the struggles, the pains one may have faced through their course of life. Rogers also articulates that part of the problem that we don’t or are unwilling to achieve true communication is the fact that we as humans are quick, “to judge, to evaluate, to approve or disapprove, the statement of the other person, or the other group." Which I feel is spot on as the barrier from ever accomplishing such tasks, because we find it easier to just hold onto our own beliefs and stick by them through fear, ignorance, opposed, or just laziness because no one likes change or better yet no one likes being wrong so they defend their point of a view even through a losing fight just to try and stay on the “right”. The issue being that we make things or at least view things as plain black and white when actually it …show more content…

They both in a way are talking about the same issue albeit through a different way of achieving it. With Intertextuality Porter says that there are “traces” of texts through means of other texts. With Rogers’s text is that he stresses the importance of gathering information and seeing it through the eyes of the other as opposed through your own so that you can have an idea of the thought process and or state of emotion that other individual is feeling. The greater picture that both of these authors I believe are going for is that we as a group learn from each other and not as one we gather Intel from our surroundings interpret it add our own individual flair to it. That we are social beings that should respect one another and at the very least be open minded see it not through our own eyes but through the eyes of others before we even attempt to apply our own opinion. As simple as that may sound it’s a tremendous feat to accomplish because of how people are taught from early on through the morals of people and through education to see it from another perspective. To change that it all begins and must start from the parents teaching their young to be more political correct only then can there be chance of