Contingent Employees Vs Core Employees

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Employers need employees for business continuity. Employees produce products. The commodities are sold to generate revenue for the firm. The Human Resource Department has a difficult task of ensuring the company is adequately staffed. The Human Resource personnel continuously seeks to hire employees. However, the Human Resource personnel must be knowledgeable of the types of employee out on the market as well as the laws that protect them plus what responsibilities they have towards the organization. What defines an employee? What set a contingent work apart from core employee? Employees are a fascinating subject and can be the topic of endless conversations. There are several legalities a business runs into when hiring staff. Specific rules apply to the employee. The employer is required to obey these regulations. Nonetheless, what defines a contingent work and their responsibilities on the job vs. core employees. To better answer the question. A contingent worker is individuals who are independent …show more content…

The share of contingent employees has increased in popularity significantly in the last two decades (Asfaw, 2014). However, core employees tend to view contingent workers as non-significant nor part of the team. The attitudes of supervisors, fellow employees, and top management must be embracing of the new employee regardless their classification (DiMarco & Gustafson, 1975). After explaining the difference between contingent workers and core employees, one will answer the question proposed. Does it matter whether contingent workers and core employees are performing the same jobs? Yes, it matters. Regardless of the classification, the main point is to ensure they are paid accordingly for the job completed as well as job responsibilities. The firm must provide fair pay. However, if the contingent worker is hired under a specific contract for a designed period amount of time, then it changes the rules of