Contract Between Smith Accounting Firm And Employee One

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George Mason said “In all our associations; in all our agreements let us never lose sight of this fundamental maxim-that all power was originally lodged in, and consequentially is derived from, the people.” (Mason, n.d.). Empowering people to better themselves is something that Smith Accounting Firm likes to support. Offering a contract mutually compatible for the employer and employee for furthering ones education will be set forth. The type of contract along with conditions of the contract will be spelled out for consideration. Lastly, ethical concerns about the contract will be discussed.
Type of Contract This is a bilateral contract between Smith Accounting Firm and Employee One. The offer is to pay up to, but not exceeding $500 …show more content…

The offer is not transferable to another family member and/or person. The monies offered are for the said employee only. Should the employee decline the initial offering, the offer thereafter will be revisited on a bi-annual basis. Once enrolled, said employee must also maintain a C average in each class, if not, paid tuition for class must be reimbursed to the firm. Return on investment is defined as remaining with the firm for three years before considering employment elsewhere. If breach occurs, i.e. Employee One wants to seek employment elsewhere before the three year time limit is up, three-fourths of all tuition payments made, must be reimbursed to Smith Accounting Firm.
In addition, learned knowledge and skills should be brought back and taught to other employees within the office. Any ideas on betterment of the office obtained from higher education would be welcomed with an open mind. Ideas would need to be presented in presentation format showing benefits and cost.
Ethical …show more content…

An article in Forbes magazine suggests that companies “without confidence in its own ability to attract qualified employees need to handcuff its employees who seek additional education…” (Landes, 2012). Signifying that requiring a commitment after graduation is in essence handcuffing employees to stay with the company. An alternative would be to offer in house training such as brining in an expert for a one on one class. BLR human resources section also points out that training is needed for a company’s success so finding the best way to make this a reality will benefit both parties (Developing a Training Plan,