Controversy And Criticism In Disney Movies

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Disney produces films that are shown all over the world and they have been translated into several different languages. Even though most of the production is for children, but it is also enjoyed by the adult. Disney movies are known for its innocence and wholesome family values (, 2017). However, they are not as innocent as they seem (The, 2017). There are a lot of books, journals, and articles, have been written about controversy and criticism in Disney movies’ characters. The princesses have unrealistic body images, uses bad gender roles, historical inaccuracies in their few movies, etc. Many Disney movies are intended for children but they have something which attracts adult people to be interested. In every Disney movie has given characterized protagonist and antagonist in very interesting characteristic, for example, Cinderella and her stepsisters, Snow White and Evil Queen, Belle and Maleficient, etc. The characters of Disney is either beautiful or ugly, either villains or heroes, in linguistic those are called binary opposition. Tyson (2006, pg. 213) says, “... binary opposition is two ideas, directly opposed, each of which understands by means of its opposition to other.” According to Tyson (2006), the term of Binary …show more content…

Saussure believed that the component in a structure is not simply a collection of independent items. They have meaning because of their relation toward one another. Those components interact and humans are able to perceive those components only because they perceive their difference from one another. For example, people understand the concept of “good” because they know that there is an opposition towards it called “evil”. These oppositions are humans ability to identify an entity, based on the difference they perceive between it and all other entities. Binary oppositions can be seen in everywhere including movies, one of them is