Conversion Disorder

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The definition of Conversion disorder is also called functional neurological symptom disorder it is a condition in which you show psychological stress in physical ways. The condition was created to describe a health problem that starts as a mental crisis, an emotional crisis, or a stressful incident of some kind and converts to a physical problem. As a result, the physical problem cannot be explained by medical evaluation through a physical exanimation or recent medical history that you might have in the past (Mayo clinic, 2015).

The diagnosis of conversion disorder is made by a physical examination and based on the results of a neurological examination. Your primary care physician must send you to a Neurologist specialist as a referral or …show more content…

Stress can be relieved through activities such as yoga and meditation. They may help reduce reactions to the triggers that prompt symptoms of conversion disorder. However, the best way to prevent this is to live and maintain a good quality of life, a stable family environment, social contacts and work-life balance (Mayo Clinic, 2015).

Conversion Disorder is labeled as a somatoform disorder. A somatoform disorder can be defined as a mental illness that causes bodily symptoms including pain. The symptoms cannot be tracked back to any physical cause. They are not the result of substance abuse or any mental illness. However, in a 2007 review stated that conversion disorder and dissociative disorders are statistically associated. They share features such as a history of abuse and high suggestibility, and likely have common underlying causes. There is a recommendation that Conversion Disorder be reclassified from a somatoform disorder to a dissociative disorder. Some examples of dissociative disorder are Multiple Personality Disorder and Dissociative Amnesia. Even though Conversion Disorder is triggered by a stressful event, there are probably some underlying factors with mental health issues (The Chart, …show more content…

A 5150 is any person who is determined to be a danger to others, or to himself or herself, or is gravely disabled as a result of the mental disorder that they have. An example of a 5150 is when a mentally ill person is on the loose and doing damage to property. A 5250 is if a person is detained for 72 hours under the provisions which allow a qualified officer or clinician to involuntarily confine a person deemed to have certain mental disorders for up to 14 days. An example of a 5250 is when a Patient needs to take treatment but is refusing to take it. The difference between both of them is that the 5150 is where the police are actively looking for a mentally ill patient that has the potential to do harm to himself or others. A 5250 is when you don’t take your medication or treatment and your mental status is unstable. Because of the mental instability of the patient, a professional is given the right to enforce treatment. The mandatory hold for a 5150 is 3 days. The mandatory hold for a 5250 is 14 days (Toddler Time Network,