Core Value: The Writing Process

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This core value means before a person completely writes a writing piece there are steps that have been taken before. Before someone submit a final paper, they go through many stages to make sure their paper is accurate and precise. For example, some steps a person might go through before submitting a final paper will be brainstorming, writing out their thoughts, organizing their thoughts, asking others for their feedback and editing. This is an important skill for successful writing because it helps deliver a great thoughtful paper. Taking these steps makes you aware of your mistakes and important factors that can help you strengthen your paper. For example, having someone look over your paper allows you to receive some feedback that help you …show more content…

This core value means when reading other texts, it is important to break it down what you’re reading and fully understand it. Also, it is important to form your own ideas from your reading and question what’s being said. This skill is important because it gain full understanding of a text can help you join the conversation and respond too what’s being said. It also shows that you know what’s going on. I applied this core value when I was writing Paper 1 for this course. Before I decided to join the conversion and share my stance on the issue that was being discussed, I analyzed sections of the three articles we read and made sure to understand each article well. Also, I made sure to understand all sides of the issues before I joined the conversation. When I applied this core value to my writing process of Paper 1, I learned that I was able to write my paper by summarizing each article fairly and not writing from a biased point of …show more content…

When you have an audience to write for you need to make sure you are being fair and your points are very clear so there will be no confusion. Having a definite purpose can help your paper flow better and if you are writing a response to a situation; your purpose can help your audience know your view on a situation. Lastly, this core value emphasized that not only audience and purpose shape writing but context also play a big factor. Your context supports your purpose. A time I applied this core value was when I was working on my Paper 2. My purpose for Paper 2 was to demonstrate the damage that comes from women portrayed in fast-food advertisements. I made sure to make my point clear and I backed it up with context that stayed on topic. Also, I made sure to make my audience aware that I was communicating with them. With this third core value, I learned that when I write with a purpose and know my audience; it easier for me to write. It is easier because I feel like it gives me a path to follow to write my