
Correct Answer Was A Metaphor For Generational Family Wealth

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Incorrect Answer: E
I chose E as my answer because I thought that a family’s “shoe-buckles” was a metaphor for generational family wealth. As a result, the narrator may have been denouncing the excess of the Dodsons families’ material wealth. This assumption is incorrect since the story indicates that the author was referring to actual shoe buckles, emphasizing the care that the Dodsons took in even the smallest of property.
Correct Answer: C
Answer choice C is correct because a normal family would not even bother to evenly distribute shoe-buckles as they are so insignificant. The Dodsons’ extreme focus on property distribution is an abnormality that is satirized by the narrator as he specifically picks shoe-buckles amongst “other property”. …show more content…

This would be done in order to appear socially consciousness and to not offer any offense to the kin.

Incorrect Answer: D
I chose D as my answer because I thought the line “require them to eat it[bread] with bitter herds” was a physical action undergone as a sign of repentance. This notion is incorrect because there is no mention in the last sentence that addresses how this action will restore the family’s name.
Correct Answer: B
Answer choice B is correct because the Dodsons “would never forsake or ignore them [errant relatives]-would not let them want bread”, rather they only required that their relative to eat it with bitter herbs. Since accepting criticism is a difficult thing to do just like how eating bitter herbs, it can be surmised that “require them to eat it[bread] with bitter herds” is a metaphor for errant relative to accept criticism for their actions.

Incorrect Answer: …show more content…

This is incorrect because of the line “Tomorrow she might” indicating that her views have not changed, only her situation.
Correct Answer: A
Answer choice A is correct due to Martha’s actions shortly after her silence where she “gaz[ed] at the robin… try[ing] to keep her eyes dry”. Martha’s switch in attention from Helen to nature may be a metaphor that she is resigning herself to the natural forces around her to decide her family’s fate due to the fact that arguing with Helen would solve nothing.

Incorrect Answer: E
I chose E as my answer because I thought that Martha’s mother’s looks towards her had the connotations of disapproval based upon her rude comments towards her. This is incorrect because if she Martha’s mother really did not have time to deal with Martha’s ill temper, she would not have looked at her at all.
Correct Answer: B
Answer choice B is correct because Martha’s words of “that’s what you always say- that God knows best” can be taken in an insulting manner, leading to her mother to “[look] at her quickly”.

Incorrect Answer:

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