Corrie Frankie Monologue

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“Who are those two at the entrance?” Kevin asked subtly. “They’re soldiers obviously!” I responded. “But why aren’t they moving.” Kevin replied. I suddenly realised why they were there, “Those two guys must be sentries, guarding the entrance.” “They aren’t both men, one of them is a woman, are you blind?” Corrie rudely objected. She was right, I couldn’t argue with her, she has the best eyesight for a fact. It was then I realised what was happening in the Showground. The invaders were going to proselyte our friends and family, to be and act like them. I couldn’t imagine my Mum changing her ways, she would still be finding it difficult to comprehend that the country has been invaded. “I just wanna go Rambo and save all of them,” whispered Corrie. But she would get killed so I’m guessing she said that out of desperation. …show more content…

I saw some people from my town were trapped in there. They were on the ground, their faces showed depression and anxiety. They would have been worried that they might be killed. From what I could tell felt like they had given up on life and we couldn’t do anything. We were hidden from sight so all we could do was watch and wait. I could tell that my friends really wanted to help but we couldn’t without running the risk of being killed. The soldiers were there and I didn’t know what they were

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