Cost Of A College Education: Good Or Bad?

660 Words3 Pages

De’Cauri Starks
English IV
29 January 2018
College Education “Good or Bad”
Would you love to see your child walk across the stage and receive their college degree? College is an educational institution or establishment of higher education. Colonial America produced nine colleges that are still present. Harvard university was the first college to be found in the American colonies. College education is worth a cost
The education level of America's workforce vary greatly. The people who disagree are wrong because they are making their child suffer with educational experience. The reason why is because their parents did not go to college because they were either too lazy or just thought college was too hard. College can help you grow academically. The reason why is because who would not want to see their child walk across the stage and get a college degree. For example, researchers show that children of college educated parents are healthier, perform academically and more likely to attend college. Going to college can make a child's life more simple. …show more content…

The people who don't think college is worth a cost they say its a waste of time. The reason why is because people think it’s too much pressure and they don't do good. College can help you achieve your dreams. The reason why is because you can take your college experience and take it to the next, for example, becoming Jane Patterson was the first African American woman to get to college and receive a bachelor's degree from Oberlin college. The outcome of going to college will make you a better person and successful in