Country Style Case Study Essay

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DATE: October-10-14
TO: Ian Fox
FROM: Maitri Shah (643272)
SUBJECT: Country Style getting closed
Main Problem
Country Style had been forced to close a quarter of its stores due to decreasing market share in an increasingly competitive Canadian market. Since then, it has opened many new stores and now ranks third behind Tim Horton and Starbucks in the Canadian coffee market. I believe, because of cut throat competition in Canadian market of coffee, Country Style is getting closed. This shows that people are more attracted towards other competitors due to many reasons such as:
• Not so easy availability of store within certain areas
• No celebrity to appeal and attract target audience
Marketing Strategy of competitor …show more content…

It can either increase their promoting skills to attract the audience by marketing and giving more benefits which are audience seeking for and are attracted to.
• Use of some celebrity which is more in news and appealing to the target audience: Celebrity endorsement might be an important move for Country Style to boost up their market share as celebrity may have more effect on the Audience. People are attracted to hockey player or any other celebrity who has more appeal on to the public. She/he can be actor or sport player or anyone who is well known and has more positive face in minds of target audience.
• Increasing promotional activity by giving more benefits to the customers on the important festivals: Cheap and exclusive offers: In the festivals like Christmas or New Year Day, offers such as buy one get 50% off or something which catches eyes of the people. Posters on public places about the offers which might be similar or different to the competitors. Persistent visibility on the media and on the streets is necessary with big boards.
• Easy availability of stores as same as Tim

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