Creating Heart Healthy Towns: Program Analysis

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Creating Heart Healthy Towns is a great program sponsored by the Heart Foundation. A program that funds the community to engage on a healthy lifestyle. This program was initiated to encourage communities to be active, eat and be healthy, whilst at the same time having fun. This was organized to raise awareness about the alarming amount of deaths due to heart disease, also known as cardiovascular disease. This has become one of the major death causes in Australia. Through this program, risks can be reduced and make Australian lives much healthier and better. Creating Heart Healthy Towns aims to establish significant changes to people all over Australia. This program does not only encourage a certain group of individuals, but rather focuses on anybody who wants to make a difference. This can include council employees, community members, community group or organisations and plenty more. Those willing to partake on this program will not only be helping themselves but also helping those in their community, therefore diminishing risks and making people’s lives much more healthier. …show more content…

Motivating people to become and live healthy, hence preventing diseases such as cardiovascular disease. This can be achieved through a variety of activities that will surely make this program much more enjoyable with or without using the funds provided. The choices are endless and each will help contribute to improving lifestyle. Activities incorporates cycling around the town, promoting exercise through different medias such as newspapers, sports activities such as netball, make short videos about healthy living, local yoga or meditation groups and a whole lot more. Through these activities, people can learn skill, build new relationships, be healthy and at the same time enjoy these fun