
Creation Myth Essay

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Long, long time ago, the gods decided to develop a brand new form of life into earth. The gods wanted to observe how the villagers would deal with a monstrous and vicious monster in their settlement. One of the gods drizzled greediness into the new life, and another god wanted to make the new life unique so they made it the mother of snakes. All the gods agreed to name her Medusa, and they sent her down to the rusty old planet, earth. As Medusa roams the swampy and smelly village for some food, all of the civilians were disturbed by how ugly she looked. “Oh my, oh my. What have I done to deserve no attention?” Medusa wept. She then went furious and caused destruction to the villages. At this point, the sky faded into darkness, and Medusa made the villagers give her their attention by turning them into statues. She slithers around the swamp, releasing snake. “I now have all the attention I need!” Medusa viciously hollered. …show more content…

Only this time it will be a young and powerful boy that will go and slay the monster. The gods gave the boy strength and the ability to withstand Medusa’s statue blast. The young boy flew down to earth in search for Medusa, as he saw numerous statues being torn by snakes. “Medusa! Medusa! I shall seek for your presence!” The young boy cried. Out of nowhere, Medusa creeps upon the young boy and hissed. As a result, the boy whips out his shield to cover his eyes and acquired a piece of glass to spy on Medusa’s reflection. The boy storms at Medusa, but she crawls around and muttered, “Look into my eyes.” The boy then ascends into the sky, obtained his sword, and charges at Medusa in many different angles. She managed to dodge all the hits until… ”Ahhh!” Medusa screeched. The boy acts quickly, shoving the piece of glass into Medusa’s face, turning her into a statue and killing all her snakes that she

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