The Future The future angers me. The future makes me think of everything that has gone wrong in my life, and how easy it is to ruin. Making one simple, wrong move can make the future a disaster. Taking a step to the left instead of the right, making the same mistake more than once, even if you know the consequences. Little things like these can change my whole future. It helps me realize that there is a chance for reincarnating all of my bad decisions into good ones, but only if you make the right moves. I am doing just that, starting now. Right now, I'm working on making a bright future for myself. I am going to culinary school to pursue my dreams to own a restaurant of my own, with my family. I am taking college prep classes to prepare …show more content…
It may sound corny, but I want Aaron to be in my future. I want him to be in my next twenty years, and twenty years after that. I want to be married to the man that I love and have children that will take his name. I want my family to love me and everything I have to offer, and know that I love them. Even though I am scared of what the future holds with my home life. I will still be scared of turning out like my mother. I'll still fear that one day I will be the spitting imagine of who she is, inside and out. She left her children for something that took over her life; left a great man for someone that made her hate herself, and chose to continue to live that way despite how many times her children have begged her to change. I'll still fear turning out like my father, his past abusive relationships with my mother and the mother of his other three children, and the past abusive realtionship with him and myself. Maybe I'll fear the fact that they both have their blood running through my veins and I have watched the struggle and the pain, and in twenty years I don't want to live the same way. I want to be different; to be everything everyone ever expected my to be, and more, but not for them. I'll do it for me. I want to do better and give my kids better than what I have, give my husband a better marriage than what I see, and give myself a better life. I'll realize that I deserve better and I'll know that working for it is my only …show more content…
The future gives me a chance. It shows me that I don't need to hold the anger in to be what I want to be. It pushes me to stand up for myself and make my own decisions. The future shields my creativity and originality from everything that tries to tear it down. Knowing that whatever path is taken, it is taken by me. I chose to go that route, so I am the only one to make my future better than my past for the next twenty years. My future is my decision, and I decide to make it