Creative Writing: Watson's Home

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One evening during the winter, a massive blizzard hit Tennessee. The storm knocked out power all across West Tennessee leaving many people without a way to reach out for help. However, there were a few houses in a rural neighborhood whose power was still on. One of these houses belonged to the Watson’s family. “Mom, why do our neighbors not have power but we do?” Copper Watson asks his mother, Shelly Watson. “It is kind of a long story Cooper,” Shelly began. “It has to do with who we are.” Shelly states. “ Who we are? We are the Watson’s. We are not descendants of Benjamin Franklin. Our ancestors did not create power mom.” Copper says, rolling his eyes and laughing. “Well we do come from an important family …show more content…

So you are telling me that Chester Luminate is my great grandfather?!” Copper asks his mother, excitement laced in his tone. “ We learned about him in school! I wonder if he knew that one day he would be the reason 2.5 million homes and other places in Tennessee have safe, reliable, and affordable energy.” “I don't think those were his intentions. I believe he was just trying to better his community through the use of co-ops.” Shelly …show more content…

" A woman says, with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders. "Though I do have one question. How is your power still on when the blizzard knocked out power to most homes?" She asks. "Well we get our power from Tennesse Eletric Co-ops and they are very reliable." Copper states. "I believe their reliability rate is about 99.96% if I remember correctly." A teenage boy says from beside the fireplace. "My uncle in Covington is among the thousands employed by Southwest Electric Company. He often shares his knowledge with me when he visits. He once told me that despite the weather he, along with his crew, do whatever they have to do to keep the lights on and return power to the people. " The boy states. "Wow! I did not know they were so trustworthy and dedicated. Seems as if I should give them a call and see if they can get my power back on!" The woman with the blanket exclaims, pulling out her cell phone. The room filled with various voices saying "me neither" and "what is the number to South West Electric Company?". Shortly after the phone calls were made and everyone was warm, there was a commotion outside. Everybody stepped outside and saw multiple utility trucks in the